3i Multiphoton Movable Objective Microscope with Phasor for holographic photostimulation.
- 2P Phasor for optogenetic stimulation
- Open architechture with large space under the objective
- Dual galvanometer bidirectional scanning
- Up to 6 frames/3000lines/2,500,00 samples per sec with max frame size of 4096x4096px
- Zeiss Plan Apo 20x/1.0 NA W, 2.4mm WD
Equipment Details:
- Sutter MOM
- Dual galvanometer scanner
- Resonant scanner
- 3i Phasor holography
- 2 GaAsP PMTs
Light Source:
- Coherent Discovery Ti:Saph laser
- Spectral-Physics FemtoTrain laser
- X-Cite 110 LED (Widefield)
Emission Filters for PMTs:
- 612/69 (PMT 1)
- 525/40 (PMT 2)
Emission Filters for Widefield Epifluorscence:
- GFP cube
- Texas Red cube