NIC Equipment

These microscopes are available to all users of the Nikon Imaging Center. To schedule training click the link at the top of the page, or if you have questions about which microscope will best meet your experimental needs, please contact the CALM staff.


CSU-22 Spinning Disk Confocal

Nikon Ti inverted fluorescence microscope with CSU-22 spinning disk confocal, EMCCD camera, and incubator, CO2, and humidity control. Optimized for high sensitivity imaging of live cells at high resolution.

CSU-W1 Spinning Disk/High Speed Widefield

Nikon Ti inverted fluorescence microscope with CSU-W1 large field of view confocal. Optimized for high speed (100 fps+) imaging and large-field of view spinning disk confocal imaging.

Crest LFOV Spinning Disk/ C2 Confocal

Nikon Ti2 inverted fluorescence microscope with a Crest LFOV spinning disk confocal with 7 laser lines and a Nikon C2 laser scanning confocal with 4 laser lines. It is equiped with  an automated piezo stage capable of multi-position imaging and fast acquistion of thin optical sections. With CO2 and temperature-controlled incubator it is ideal for both fixed and live specimen imaging. 

Timelapse Widefield

Inverted widefield fluorescence microscope with 37°C incubator, humidity, and CO2 control for long-term time-lapse imaging of mammalian cells.

6D/High Throughput

Nikon Ti inverted fluorescence microscope with cameras for five-color fluorescence imaging and color brightfield imaging of slides and multiwell plates.




Nikon N-STORM microscope. Four-line laser launch for multicolor total internal reflection (TIRF) imaging and localization super-resolution microscopy.


Light Sheet Microscope

Light sheet microscope using a Nikon AZ100 stand. Capable of four-color fluorescence imaging of cleared tissue samples, up to 2cm on a side, at cellular resolution.


The OMX-SR is optimized for 2D and 3D Structured Illumination Microscopy (SIM) to achieve resolutions ~100nm in XY and ~300nm in the Z. The system is also equipped with RING TIRF, FRAP/Photoactivation, temperature and CO2 control for live cell imaging.


Inverted widefield fluorescence microscope with a  with 37°C incubator, humidity, and CO2 control equipped with optics for quantitative label-free imaging with phase and polarization (QLIPP) in collaboration with the CZ Biohub. 

Hardware and Software for Image Analysis

We have four image analysis workstations with multiple software packages installed.

Objectives and Shared Hardware

We have a large range of objectives, from 1x to 100x, shared among our microscopes, as well as condensors, phase contrast, and DIC optics.