This is a conventional widefield epifluorescence system equipped with a 37°C incubation chamber and CO2 control for live cell imaging. It is set up for epifluorescence and brightfield with Quantitative label-free imaging with phase and polarization (QLIPP) imaging in collaboration with Shalin Mehta's Lab at the CZ-Biohub. Nikon Perfect Focus keeps samples in focus over hours or days for automated time-lapse experiments, while the automated stage allows for multi-position imaging
- Quantitative label-free imaging with phase and polarization (QLIPP) imaging (collaboration required)
- Brightfield, phase contrast, and DIC imaging
- 4-color fluorescence imaging
- Live cell imaging
- Automated time lapse imaging
- Automated multiwell plate imaging
- Plan Fluor 10x/0.3 (Ph1)
- Plan Apo 20x/0.75
- Plan Fluor 40x/0.75
- Plan Fluor 40x/1.3 Oil
Equipment Details:
- Nikon Ti Microscope (Inverted)
- Andor Zyla 4.2
- Lumencor Spextra X
- Sutter emission filter wheels
- OkoLab Cage Incubator with CO2
- QILIPP (liquid crystal and filter)
Light Source:
- Lumencor Spextra X
Emission Filters:
- 455/50m Semrock Sedat Quad
- 526/40m Semrock Sedat Quad
- 605/52m Semrock Sedat Quad
- 705/72m Semrock Sedat Quad
- ET525/50m GFP/mCherry ET (89021 Em2)
- ET632/60m GFP/mCherry ET (89021 Em1)
- ET470/24m CFP/YFP (89002 Em2)
- ET535/30m CFP/YFP (89002 Em1