Center for Advanced Multiphoton Microscopy

The Center for Advanced Multiphoton Microscopy was established in 2016 as a partnership between UCSF and 3i, funded in part by generous contributions from the Weston Havens Foundation. CAMM provides the UCSF research community with access to cutting-edge multiphoton instruments for high-speed, in vivo, live imaging.

CAMM includes two systems designed to handle a wide variety of specimens and experimental setups. The original system, based on an upright microscope, can perform either dual galvo or resonant scanning for rapid 4D image acquisition in live specimens. The system is equipped with a state of the art Luigs & Neumann temperature-controlled stage with interchangeable bridges for use with diverse preparations ranging from tissue slices to whole organisms.

The new microscope, installed May 2107, is based on an open-architecture Movable Objective Microscope, which leaves space under the objective for a custom platform or behavioral apparatus. The system also includes 2P Phasor, 3i’s state-of-the-art computer-generated holography system. This technology is capable of simultaneous stimulation of multiple arbitrary regions in 3D and is ideal for optogenetics.

CAMM is made possible by funding from the Weston Havens Foundation and Kavli Institute for Fundamental Neuroscience


3i President Karl Kilborn and Graeme Davis with CAMM's first system

Corporate Partner

3i (Intelligent Imaging Innovations) designs and manufactures cutting edge live cell and intravital microscopy imaging platforms driven by 64-bit SlideBook software. 3i was established in 1995 by a group of scientists whose wide range of research activities includes cell biology, immunology, neuroscience and computer science. Our collective aim is to provide advanced multi-dimensional microscopy platforms that are intuitive to use, modular in design, and meet the evolving needs of investigators in the biological research community.